
I am using this blog as a place for me to share my thoughts. It seems to be working like a diary for me. No one really knows about it, so it's like a secret place where I can confess my hopes and fears. Feel free to take a look around and follow me if you like. Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Things are better than I could have hoped to ask for right now, at least in one aspect of my life. My boyfriend and I have come to such a different place than where we used to be. It makes me so happy. We still have regular arguments and disagreements, but they pass by so quickly. Neither of us can stay mad and half the time we end up laughing before the argument is over. It's really amazing. There were times when I never thought we could get to this point. I feel like everything else in the world is less intimidating because I have such security in this part of my life.

Most other aspects of my life are still really confusing. School is so overwhelming. I'm currently working on my first real paper of the semester. It's nearly impossible when I have school 4 days a week and work 7 days. I have no time to sit down and do what I need to do. I work on a paragraph before I go to sleep, try to read a few chapters while I'm at work. It's awful. And something has to change. This is an extremely short paper and it's taking me almost a week. I have a 5 page paper coming up, a 10 page research paper, a powerpoint presentation, and I have to start on a 15 day unit plan. All of which is due right after spring break. So what do you think I'll be doing that whole week? Not vacationing. No, I'll be doing all that nonsense.

Then there's the animals. I'll talk about them on my other blog.

I'm also having issues with my friend situation. One already left for Texas, ages ago it seems. Another is leaving for the Air Force in early April. I don't know what I'll do without her. My only other friend and I have been butting heads lately and I'm not sure what's wrong. I don't know exactly how to fix it.

Ugh. This started out positive, but now I'm back to feeling like I want to crawl into bed and hide.

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