
I am using this blog as a place for me to share my thoughts. It seems to be working like a diary for me. No one really knows about it, so it's like a secret place where I can confess my hopes and fears. Feel free to take a look around and follow me if you like. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I often find myself longing for more time and less required activites that seem to steal time away from me. I flip through magazines and tear out pages of home decor ideas and tips, interesting food and drink recipes, cute crafts, and layouts for beautiful gardens. I intend to try all of these things one day, but I never get around to any of them. I always feel rushed and bogged down with obligations. I'm not even running my own household!! I have to wonder how people design and decorate these beautiful homes and yards and then have the time to relax and enjoy them. It seems so out of reach. But, really, thats all I want in the world. I want to own a cute little house that is just big enough. I want the rooms to be pretty and unique. I want a pleasant back yard that is inviting to guests and not impossible to maintain. I want to have little babies in my pretty house and watch them grow. I want them to play outside until it's too dark to see. This is my dream.


  1. Hello! Im Jhona, from Argentina, and Im just interested in talk with people from other countries (for friendship), and I fopund you, among millions of blogs. So, if you want, I would like to know you, could be fun. Let me know!
    (Sorry for mistakes, my first language is Spanish)
    Bye! =)

  2. Hello. Thanks for finding my blog. Your English is definitely much better than my Spanish. =) I'm always interested in making new friends.

  3. Hi.It's great your dream of having just a little house,and be happy with it.I'm totally with you.With a beautiful house and a good person next to you,that's a great life.Once you reach that,other things in life come easily.

  4. I couldn't agree more. It's so simple, but that's what makes it so wonderful. =)

  5. Thanks! I would like to chat with u.. do u have msn, or skype, or something?
    Thank u for following my blog, I must update that

  6. I have an aim screen name. x just adore you
